Breakfast Shop

Taiwan has these awesome little breakfast shops on every street. You don’t need to search for a long time to find one. They usually open early in the morning around 4am and will close at around 11pm. All your breakfast needs can be satisfied here. I enjoy having a bacon dunbing, which is basically and egg omelet in a pancake with bacon inside.


One of my favorite Taiwanese dishes is Xiaolongbao or soup dumplings. Din Tai Fung is probably the most famous restaurant making these and they have been awarded one Michelin Star for it. Hence why they are pricey, but around every corner in Taiwan you can find them at lesser known restaurants. They are good, delicious and super tasty. Give it a try next time you see it. You won’t be disappointed.


I’m not one to take a selfie. In fact, living in Asia has destroyed selfies for me. I am usually the one laughing at people that stand in front of attractions taking a million selfies from different angles, but never taking the time to even look around or experience their surroundings. I also feel it’s good to get out of your comfort zone every now and again. So I took a selfie. I’m kinda pleased with the way my selfie turned out and it made me understand why people do it. It’s definitely not my new favorite thing, but I had fun capturing it (and felt a bit silly and self centered).

Beitou Hot Springs

Taipei City, Taiwan

January 2018